While we’re well aware of the perils of caffeine before bedtime, experts are now shedding light on other culprits that could be keeping us tossing and turning.
Sleep doctor and medical director of The Insomnia and Sleep Institute of Arizona, Dr. Ruchir P. Patel warned against the perils of spicy foods close to bedtime. Not only can they lead to acid reflux, but they may also disrupt sleep by triggering excessive wakefulness.
But it’s not just chili that’s on the hit list.
Tomatoes also carry the potential for heartburn, affecting our quest for a peaceful night’s rest.

So, what’s a sleep-savvy eater to do? Try opting for complex carbs high in fibre, such as lentils, wholemeal bread, and brown rice, along with lean meats like chicken and fish.
That beefy burger or late-night sugar fix might just have to take a back seat if quality sleep is the goal.