Contributors to the new ABC music doco series ‘Days Like These … with Diesel’ read like a roll call of Aussie music, revisiting unforgettable gigs and uncovering the stories behind them – by those who were there.

The 12 episodes hosted and narrated by Mark Lizotte, aka Diesel, features chats with band members, tour managers, even musicians from other bands – to find out why they became such memorable events.

Like Jet playing to a home audience after a long period touring overseas, the farewell concert from Hunters & Collectors, Baby Animals celebrating their 25th anniversary, The Angels in a showstopping performance at Narara; Diesel onstage with his family, a high-voltage performance by Rose Tattoo at the Boggo Road Gaol, and Jimmy Barnes, who put on a stunning show at the Sydney Opera House following heart surgery.

Clairsy & Lisa caught up with Diesel on Tuesday, but later we opened to phones to have a chat to listeners about the most memorable concert they’ve been to in Australia.

Hit PLAY to listen in…

Day Like These … with Diesel: episodes 1-7 will run through May/June, with the remainder of the series scheduled to air from September.

Episode 1. Jet – The Forum (2004)

  1. Baby Animals – 25th Anniversary (2016)
  2. Hunters & Collectors – Selina’s (1998)
  3. The Angels – Narara (1983)
  4. Diesel – The Metro (2004)
  5. Rose Tattoo – Boggo Road Jail (1993)
  6. Jimmy Barnes – The Opera House (2009)
  7. Eurogliders – The Hordern (1984)
  8. Archie Roach – Into The Bloodstream (2012)
  9. Icehouse – Melbourne (1988)
  10. Troy Cassar-Daley – Seymour Centre (2010)
  11. Cold Chisel – Ringside Horden Pavillion (2003)